

墨西哥裔美国人研究 engages students in the study of the history, 文学, 政治, and art of Mexican American communities in the southwestern United States.  It promotes the academic exploration of the Mexican-American experience, 灌输文化素养, and prepares students for global citizenship.

Mexican-American studies at NLC is a group of courses that can be transferred to local universities to complete a Bachelor's Degree.


Students will focus on understanding diverse cultural views, 培养求知欲, 扩大文化意识.

What courses will I take in 墨西哥裔美国人研究?



HIST 2327 – Mexican-American 历史 I

HIST 2328 – Mexican-American 历史 II

HUMA 1311 – Mexican-American 美术

HUMA 1305 – Intro to Mexican-American Studies

SPAN 1412 -初级西班牙语II

GOVT 2311 – Mexican-American Politics

SPAN 2311-中级西班牙语I

ENGL 2351 – Mexican-American Literature


SPAN 1412 -初级西班牙语II


SPAN 2311-中级西班牙语I


What can I do with the Mexican American Focus?

Mexican-American studies at NLC is a group of courses that can be transferred to local universities to complete a Bachelor's Degree.

  • *New Transfer Advising Guide Pending*


  • MAS coursework paves the way for cultural competency, 和分析, and communications skills needed to obtain social and economic opportunities.
  • Students gain strong written and oral communication skills, 批判性思维和分析能力, knowledge about human behavior and institutions, the ability to work effectively with diverse populations, the capacity to analyze the racial impacts of law and public policy, as well as excellent research skills, team-building and group-centered leadership skills.